Spartans United Pledge
Manchester University calls upon all members of the Spartan community to improve the human condition through the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. With the Spartans United Pledge, we embody our values and mission and call all students, colleagues, alumni and visitors to action. We will be responsible for others and ourselves, and extend compassion, civility and integrity to others.
I pledge to:
- Educate myself regarding regulations, requirements and guidelines pertaining to the campus and community.
- Check my University email frequently each day and follow all guidelines communicated. If I don’t understand, I will contact health@noujcf.com.
- Wear a mask/face covering as directed, to protect others and myself. If I need a mask, I will contact health@noujcf.com.
- Monitor my health daily and follow the University Care plan for the treatment of COVID-19 symptoms.
- Maintain social distancing and follow guidelines in all campus locations.
- Cover my cough and my sneeze.
- Practice good hand hygiene.
- Communicate with staff and health care professionals promptly if I suspect I have COVID-19 symptoms.
- Maintain physical distancing and stay home if I feel sick or if I believe I have been exposed to someone who has COVID-19.
- Inform my instructors and fellow students who may be counting on me to complete courses and academic goals.
- Abide by protocols set by businesses and other organizations to help mitigate the transmission of COVID-19 in our communities.
- Participate in all educational programs provided to help take care of others and myself.
Treat others with grace and compassion
At some point, some members of the MU community will need to be tested, go into quarantine (if they think they were exposed) or isolate (because they are sick). Some might develop COVID-19. If they do, they will need our friendship and support.
Our Mission Statement begins with the words, “Manchester University respects the infinite worth of every individual.” Those words call us to treat others as we would want to be treated, with grace and compassion. Pulling together as a community is the Manchester way.