What are the policies?
- Personal use in personal space - consumption of alcohol is exclusively permitted within a student’s living space and is barred from being in the common areas outside or between apartments.
- Apartment door must be closed when drinking is happening.
- We expect you to drink responsibly. That means:
- No parties - The maximum occupancy of the apartment should not exceed 8 people.
- No kegs of any size or large-scale containers
- No binge drinking activities (e.g. drinking games)
- Sale and production of alcohol is prohibited.
- Empty containers of alcohol must be disposed of properly – littering is prohibited.
- If University Safety or another University official knocks on your door and asks for IDs, you must comply.
- You are responsible for your guests' behavior.
- Residents can have guests who are under 21 provided that the person under 21 does not have alcohol in their system or possession.
- If you let someone under 21 drink in your apartment, or you let someone under 21 into your apartment after they have been drinking, you are accepting responsibility for the policy violation(s).
- If University Safety or another University official suspects alcohol might have been consumed by someone underage, a breathalyzer may be administered.
- If alcohol poisoning is suspected at any point, the breathalyzer may be postponed to prioritize health and safety.
- If policies are not followed, students may be removed from East Street Apartments and placed in available housing elsewhere on campus. If this occurs, the student will be prorated the cost of the apartment and their new housing. If the student qualifies for off-campus housing, the student will not be approved to live off campus until the following semester.
- Residents must be a student in good standing with campus conduct to live in East Street Apartments.
How do I sign up?
It’s easy! All you need to do is go through the normal housing renewal process. If you will be 21 or over by Aug. 1, apartments available in East Street will show as options for you.
Can I purchase a single room in an apartment?
Options to buy out single rooms will be made available once the housing renewal process is complete.
Will the apartment be furnished?
Partially. The University will provide a refrigerator for the apartment, two dressers (one for each resident) per room, and two bed frames with mattresses per room.
Will the University fulfill work orders?
The University will fulfill work orders, but residents are responsible for damage to the apartment and keeping it in working order.
Where can I find the University's Medical Amnesty Policy?
You can learn more about Manchester's Medical Amnesty Policy using this link.